Monday, March 21, 2011

Light- D&C 14:9-11

I love light.  A couple of months ago I realized that I have the choice to be in the light or not.  Each moment, each choice, I demonstrate my desire for light or dark.  I must position myself in the light.  I then thought about how the earth and sun move.  The sun's light is always available--it's always there, but if you are not in a position to feel it (daytime...) you can't use it.  We then start to use artificial warmth and light to serve our needs.  Light guides us-- helps us see things clearly.  "Jesus Christ, the Son (Sun) of the living God [is] a light that cannot be hid in darkness."  Day or night, he is available (true light--not aritificial).  We just have to put ourselves in the position to feel His light.  We position ourselves in His light when we do what he's asked, when we learn of His gospel and trust it, and use that knowledge and light to guide our way.  The more we use the light to make decisions, the brighter the light becomes.  To live in His light is the best feeling on earth.  I crave it, I long for it, I love it, I remember it from before I came here. 

"Living God"-- What a blessing!  God is available to me today-- anytime, anywhere.  No appointment necessary, no fees, no fine print.  The creator of the universe cares about my day--he cares about the details in my life.  He lives to deliver me, to rescue me, to love me.  There is so much in our world to worship that isn't even alive-- false ideas, unrealistic expectations, TV, drugs, food, image, cars, houses.  None of these things deserve our energy, time, devotion, worship.  I honor and worship the true and "living" God.  This thought helps me stay in balance and see clearly temptations that would not benefit me.  Throughout this day I will hold that thought in my mind-- I Worship Only The True and Living God.  This is a commandment.  In D&C 2019 we are reminded of that-- "...gave unto them commandments that they should love and serve him, the only living and true God, and that he should be the only being whom they should worship."

As we put ourselves in a position to feel His light and we worship only Him, we are then in a position to help Him with His work-- to share His word with others.  By sharing what we have learned, it helps us to remain faithful.  We will also receive more spiritual and temporal blessings in this life and a "great" reward in the next.  It doesn't get any better than that!

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